Operation Frequent Wind

I received the following e-mail regarding “Operation Frequent Wind” and “The Lucky Few”:

Dear USS Navy veterans,

As your ship was involved in “Operation Frequent Wind” in 1975, I wanted to let you know of an event taking place on April 21, 2012, at the Crystal Cathedral, Garden Grove, California.  It’s called “Vietnamese Americans, The Lucky Few”, and it will pay tribute to the US and Vietnamese Navy personnel who were a part of the fleet of Navy ships during “Operation Frequent Wind” in 1975, saving the lives of two hundred thousands of Vietnamese refugees.

This event expands upon the
success of a 2011 event which included a screening of the Navy documentary, “The Lucky Few”.

Amongst the speakers will be Vice Admiral Adam M. Robinson, Jr. (Ret) (36th Surgeon General of the Navy), Capt. Paul Jacobs (Ret) (USS Kirk, DE/FF 1087), along with entertainment (see flyer).

Please forward this information to your shipmates who may be interested.

We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards,

Sharon Nicholas


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